VIRGO MONTHLY HOROSCOPE (23-August–22-September)

01-February to 29-February

A time of comfort and stability in terms of money is in store for Virgos in January as Mercury moves from Scorpio to Sagittarius, affecting the third and fourth houses. Venus will be in line with Mercury later in the month, so money matters won't change. Strong health is predicted, guaranteeing a happy and health-conscious month. Although professional opportunities appear bright, interpersonal relationships may encounter difficulties, resulting in disputes and arguments. On the other hand, chances for both professional and personal development are approaching.

Love Horoscope

Virgo, get ready for a difficult month when it comes to romantic relationships. There could be disagreements and disputes with your spouse or partner, which could cause turbulence in your personal connections. January may bring disappointments and heartaches, so you should be cautious when forming emotional bonds with other people. Overcoming obstacles in a relationship will require patience and honest communication. To keep peace, prioritise mutual understanding and making concessions.